Thursday, November 27, 2008

Welcome to our Kitchen!

(This post was written by Scott - even though it claims to be written by me...)

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would love to wish you a Happy Holidays and welcome you our kitchen! We thought it would be fun to share the intricacies and eccentricities behind the dynamic of what we cook, how we cook it, and how we live with our guilty bellies. The Iron Chef it's not... but then again, Bobby Flay isn't a meat-devouring combat veteran who bleeds beer and hot sauce. And I bet his wife isn't a vegetarian.

So how does a passionate and macho carnivore chow down on soy meat and stirfry? Easy--she's such a dang good chef! We love to put new spins on old, traditional meals. We also love to learn how to cook things that most melancholy domestic-types don't even attempt trying. There is a lot of excitement around our kitchen right now. The grocery store even makes special orders for us. Not many culinary swashbucklers can boast that!

So-- stay tuned for for comedy, tragedy and most likely... "Thumb-tip Salad..."

1 comment:

Jim Thomsen said...

Awesome. Bring on the pain. And the pleasure.